I have always been interested in the sea and the attitude towards life associated with it – an attitude towards life that led me to found the OCEANSTORE. I asked myself why I wasn’t actually sharing this attitude to life and my love of the sea with other people, and as I already had a gallery in the heart of Vienna, I decided to open the OCEANSTORE in December 2019.

The sea is an essential part of my life and I deal with all related topics and things. My home is also full of small and large, ordinary and extraordinary objects of daily use and art that have something to do with the sea and the associated attitude to life, even if only in the remotest of ways. My art projects are also almost always connected to the sea – including my biggest project to date, “The Sinking World”.
Andreas Franke (founder of the Oceanstore)
As a passionate diver, it is especially close to my heart to discover this wonderful part of our planet again and again – and to protect it.
Stiftgasse 15-17, 1070, Vienna